Rebate Instructions


What do you need to do in order to enjoy our promo-code/rebate/cash-back offers on site?

  • Clear you cookies. If you don’t know how it’s done, check the link here. This is a vital step for me to be credited with the sale and be able to award you with your rebate.
  • Buy the desired product by clicking on my link.
  • Forward me the payment proof to my email at with the ‘[product name] rebate’ in the subject. If it was paid with PayPal, I will send the rebate to the same email. If you did not buy with PayPal, forward me the payment proof but still make sure to provide a PayPal account mail.

Cash back rebates are completed within 48 hours as a trust agreement between me and my appreciated clients. If you decide to return your product during the return period and get a refund, I expect you to return me the rebate I transferred as well.

Thanks and good luck internet marketing!

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