Scrivener Coupon Code Discount Up To 50% Off – Updated 2024
Scrivener Coupon Code Discount Up To 50% Off – Updated 2024
Scrivener is a software application created by Literature and Latte and used by many writers. It provides a wide range of features to help writers organize their material, do research, create plots and outlines and much more. In this Scrivener review, we’ll be looking at some of the main features of Scrivener, provide all the updated and valid Scrivener coupon codes below and also explore a great course (along with a coupon) that helps users master Scrivener in less than a week.
If you’re looking at the Scrivener Education License, keep in mind that additional coupons don’t apply to these discounted licenses. In fact, you’d be better off getting the regular license and using the coupons listed above.
A 50% Scrivener discount is available for all NaNoWriMo winners. If you completed the challenge of writing a 50,000 words novel, you are a winner, and you will find your Scrivener discount code on NaNoWriMo’s Winner Goodies page.
All Scrivener costs are a one-time fee, as opposed to other writing tools that charge recurring monthly and annual fees.
Scrivener: Leading Features and Benefits
Scrivener Can Replace Word
If you’re a writer, you must compose your manuscript using some software -that is, unless you prefer an anachronistic tool such as a pen or manual typewriter. Most writers rely on a word processing program, in most cases Word, either for Windows or Mac. Word is comprehensive and useful software, but it’s not made specifically for writers. The same is true for any other word-processing program you might be using. Scrivener, on the other hand, is created exclusively for writers. So, when you sit down to do your writing, you can click on Scrivener rather than Word.
Helps You Focus and Meet Your Goals
One of the biggest challenges facing writers is to stay on track and achieve daily goals. Scrivener has several features that help you do just that. You can set targets for words or characters for each writing session and view how far you are from your objective. You can set Project Targets for both individual sessions and the entire project. For example, if you’re writing a 100,000-word novel and aim to write at least 1,000 words per session, you can always check to see what you’ve accomplished so far.
Scrivener also gives you a way to block out distractions. If you’re like many people, you’re constantly tempted by social media, email, and the latest headlines streaming across the web. When you want to focus solely on your writing project, you enter the Full-Screen mode (for Windows) or Composition mode (for Mac). You’ll only be able to see your writing screen in this mode. You can also edit the background and images to whatever helps you concentrate best.
Templates for Different Types of Writing
Scrivener makes it simple to write in different styles and formats. This includes templates for composing term papers, dissertations, and essays in academic styles such as MLA, APA, and Chicago. There are even tools to help you include scientific or mathematical data in your work if you’re writing on scientific or technical topics.
You can also use Scrivener for scriptwriting. You can format your script as well as compose treatments for your screenplays. The software is also compatible with script writing programs such as Final Draft.
Research and Organization
If you’re writing a novel or other long document, you probably have lots of notes, ideas, and research connected with your project. Keeping track of everything can be difficult. Having to find a certain note, link, or image can really slow you down and halt your momentum. Scrivener lets you import files, links, and documents so that you have everything at your fingertips. This is especially useful if you write on multiple devices. This way, everything you need will be in one place whenever you want to write.
Tools for Storyboarding
Storyboarding is a technique many writers use to organize the chapters or scenes in their book (or script). The traditional, pre-internet way to do this was to write out scenes on index cards. That way, you can look at individual scenes and decide which order to put them in.
Doing this on a conventional word processing program isn’t too easy. If, for example, you write a new document for each scene on Word, you’d have to open up each document separately to see them. However, Scrivener has a tool called The Corkboard, which lets you view multiple documents as index cards. This lets you get an overview of your book, giving you ideas on what to add, delete, or rearrange.
Outlining is an important function in writing, whether you’re composing a novel, nonfiction book, term paper, or screenplay. Scrivener’s Outliner lets you organize your text in a way that’s most convenient for you. You’re able to create folders for as many levels as you need.
For example, your book may be organized with folders for Sections, Chapters, Scenes, and Actions. When you want to go back and rewrite, edit or expand something, you click on the appropriate folder and make the changes. Learning how to use the Outliner may take a little practice, but it’s a tool that can help you organize your writing.
Formatting for Self-Publishing
Many writers today self-publish on Kindle or other online platforms. If you compose your book using Scrivener, you don’t have to worry about getting the formatting right. You can export your document to formats such as MOBI or EPUB for Amazon. You can also export it into other formats, including PDF, TXT, RTF, and DOC. This makes it convenient if you want to publish your book in multiple formats.
Pricing and Versions
Scrivener comes in both Mac and PC versions. The Mac version is compatible with Apple operating systems 10.12 (AKA Sierra) or later.
There’s also a recently added iOS version, so you can use Scrivener on your iPhone or iPad. The PC version is compatible with all popular Windows platforms, including Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11.
Scrivener’s current price is $59.99 for the Windows version and $59.99 for the Mac version. This is a one-off payment, as opposed to other writing tools that charge recurring monthly fees. There’s also a 30-day free trial for both versions.
The Scrivener discount coupon codes below are currently available for new users.
There aren’t any Scrivener coupon codes applicable to the Scrivener Mac/Windows bundle (priced at $95.98), which represents a 20% discount for buying both at the same time.
There are no additional Scrivener discounts on the educational licenses either, as their coupons are applied automatically.
Scrivener 3 Release
Scrivener 3 has been released for both Mac OS and Windows. Overall, this update simplifies many existing features and adds some new capabilities. Here are some of the highlights:
A more user-friendly and modern interface. Even fans of Scrivener have complained about the steep learning curve and less than an intuitive interface. The new version is vastly improved in these areas.
Styles – A simpler system for formatting your document. You may want, for example, different font sizes, headings, block text, or titles in different areas. This is similar to the Styles feature you’ll find in word processing programs such as Word.
Quick Search – This lets you quickly find any document.
Enhanced Self-publishing – Epub 3 compatible and easier to export to Kindle.
Storyboarding Upgrade – Index cards, as noted, were already a useful tool for organizing your writing. Now you can view index cards on colored threads, making it easier to highlight and differentiate your scenes, storylines, chapters, etc.
Dialog Focus – This is a powerful feature for fiction writers who can focus on all the dialog in their manuscripts.
Bookmarks – This feature replaces the old Project Notes, References, and Favorites and makes it easier to view documents that you use frequently. You can bookmark not only documents within Scrivener but anywhere on your computer or the internet.
MultiMarkdown Export – There are now expanded capabilities for exporting your documents into different formats. MultiMarkdown (MMD) allows you to convert into almost any word processing format.
Simplified and Enhanced Compile – When working on longer documents, compiling is an important function. This lets you change the order and put together different sections, chapters, paragraphs, or scenes. The old Compile feature was powerful, but many users found it difficult to use. In Scrivener 3, it’s been simplified and made more flexible, with the window divided into three easy-to-see sections.
Metadata – The new metadata features help you track and categorize your documents. You can now add checkboxes, lists, and dates so you can remember important aspects of your work. You can, for example, create checkboxes such as “needs images” or “complete,” or “add footnotes.” This metadata can be brought up in Outliner or Compiler.
Writing Statistics – This lets you keep track of how much writing you do every day. This is another useful tool for setting goals and tracking your progress.
These are some of the most notable upgrades and changes that come with Scrivener 3. If you purchased Scrivener after November 20, 2017, you can upgrade for free. If you have an older version of Scrivener, you can upgrade for a 49% discount by following the instruction on this page. New users can purchase Scrivener for a one-time fee of $59.99.
Pros and Cons of Scrivener
Here are the main pros and cons.
Helps you with organizational tasks such as outlining and research.
More writer-friendly than Word or other word-processing software.
Helps you focus on your writing and avoid distractions.
Useful for writing in many formats and styles, such as fiction, nonfiction, academic papers, and scripts.
Integrates with ProWritingAid for grammar-checking and manuscript editing.
Requires a small investment. If you already use a tool such as Word, you may be reluctant to spend money on software for writing.
Who Can Benefit From Scrivener?
If you do any significant amount of writing for your profession, Scrivener is worthy of serious consideration. Students, novelists, writers of nonfiction, bloggers, content marketers, and screenwriters are just a few of the people whose lives can be made easier with Scrivener. If you fall into any of these categories, it’s a solid investment that can make you a better and faster writer. The cost, which is a one-time fee of less than $60, is not very high in the long run if you use the software every day, as many people do.
Learn Scrivener Fast With Scrivener Unleashed
Some people hesitate to buy Scrivener because they worry it will take too long to learn. They don’t want to have yet another piece of software on their hard drive that remains unused. While Scrivener is a fairly intuitive and user-friendly software, it contains many features, which means there’s a certain learning curve involved with the process. Someone has come up with a solution to this –the Scrivener Unleashed course.
David Lee Martin specializes in helping writers learn all about Scrivener so that they can get the most out of it. Even people who have been using the software for years find the course helpful, as it provides a fast and efficient way to master all of the features. For a complete Scrivener Unleashed review, click here. Some of the points covered in the course include:
Mastering the Corkboard -This allows you to organize your material in the most efficient way possible.
Navigating the Scrivener window, so you know where everything is.
Using the Outliner to help you stay on top of large projects.
How the Binder gives you visual access to all of your writing.
Setting up Scrivener in one hour, either on Mac or Windows.
Pricing For Scrivener Unleashed
The course has two different versions, one for Mac and one for Windows users. Buying the bundle will give you access to both courses’ material and the Scrivener for iOS course as a bonus, all for $149. The price for each individual course, which includes 200+ video lectures, is currently $99 (or $69 for iOS only).
At the moment, the Scrivener Unleashed tutorials are available for 50% off. Get the discount by entering coupon code ARYEB50 on the checkout page. For the full Scrivener Unleashed review, click here.
All versions of the course come with several bonuses, including inspirational background images, Done-For-You templates, and a list of tools and resources that will help make you more creative and productive. Scrivener Unleashed is a polished and comprehensive course that allows you to gain the maximum benefits from Scrivener, the world’s leading software application for writers. You can contact us via our contact form or at info[at] and ask for our exclusive Scrivener Unleashed discount promotion.
76 Comments To Scrivener Coupon Code Discount Up To 50% Off – Updated 2024
I purchased Scrivener last year after NAMOWRIMO. This year I purchased a new laptop and lost my Scrivener. How can I move it to my new lap top? This is the download license: (**edited out) Windows. Thanks
Hi Gail, your Scrivener license should work on 2 computers simultaneously. If you still have issues, I recommend you to turn to Literature&Latte support here.
Hi Caitlin, Scrivener works flawlessly on Windows 10.
As for the Scrivener discounts, the ones above are monitored regularly, and are currently active.
I would like to buy your writing program, but am limited in my understanding and
manipulation of technology. I would need a tutor to help me get started working on
my dissertation. Is that possible? Do you have recommendations?
Hi Alice,
Scrivener comes with an interactive tutorial project (available from the Help menu inside Scrivener).
This should help you learn Scrivener’s major features before you start your own projects.
The interactive tutorial is a great way to get to grips with how Scrivener works.
If that won’t do, we sent you a couple of recommended tutors and classes to your email.
Looking at Scrivener for first time. I just completed a technical manuscript in MS Word (2007). My document has dozens of technical drawings done in MS Visio that illustrate various points in the document. I used the technique of inserting text boxes, anchoring them to related paragraphs.
Question: If I import this document into Scrivener, how will these graphics be handled? Will they import ok? Will they remain anchored to the related paragraphs?
Good question, Kip. I recommend turning to Scrivener support on this link to get a complete answer. Otherwise, I’d recommend giving Scrivener a try (there’s a 30 day free trial version) and see how that imports.
On November 24 I purchased Scrivener, with the NaNo discount for $32. My NoNoWriMo subscription has expired and I have no access to Scrivener. Can you send me something to download?
1. We missed your Writer’s Month discount (and we could REALLY use it). My wife is an elementary Special Education teacher and wanted Scrivner for her (December) birthday. She is quickly nearing completion of a novel that currently numbers around 100,000 words. Is there any way we can get a refund of the difference?
2. I looked for your (?your sponsors?) fast-start GUIDE ebook. Please send link. Thank You!
Hello Bille, Scrivener offers occasional discounts, if you hurry there is a 25% discount right now with coupon code winterfest2016, but it won’t last much longer. If you have any other questions, you are welcome to contact us.
I use Dragon Speaks due to severe arthritis. Will there be a problem using it with Scivener? I have never used this program but have heard so many great praises for Scivener.
Yes, I am one of those terrible people who make a pretty good living selling “books” written fro the Kindle. I have put together a system that allows me to generally FLY through the creation of “book” so for anything that could supercharge my workflow, I sit up and take notice. So I am writing you today.
I am generally regarded to be perhaps the only living relative of the great Ebenezer Scrooge, so I am always, perhaps even more often than that, interested in a bargain. As I see it, I can get the Windows 10 version Scrivener for $40 less a 25% coupon. Fair enuf. I also believe I will get a coupon for 33% off Scrivener Unleashed.
Is my understanding correct? Is that the best deal or are there bundles that exist that would be a better deal?
Hi Tim, your understanding is correct, that is the best deal right now. You can bundle the Mac and Win versions but the coupons will actually get you a better price buying separately.
I had lost scrivener when my last computer was stolen. is there a way for me to look up my order history and download it again on my new computer. I ordered it about two years ago, it was a digital download, and I don’t have the email anymore confirming an order number
Hi George, look in your email for a message titled “[Literature & Latte] Order Confirmation”. This email should have your Scrivener registration information and serial number. If you still can’t find it, visit this page for serial number retrieval. .
Ok, great introduction on the video, great and all, but is there any of those videos for those that have a PC? The software isn’t always the same. I’m reluctant on buying anything I don’t understand or not familiar with its functionality. Seeing one of these in the PC version would put my mind at ease and help me feel better about purchasing it. I currently use Word and its never failed me, but I think I’m outgrowing it since my books are 500 pages + now. Its really starting to slow down so I separated the chapters by folders so word doesn’t have to take on such a load.
I just qualified for a discount on Scrivener as a Camp NaNoWriMo winner. The instructions say to access it through the NaNo website and it will begin downloading immediately. I already have a trial version on my laptop. Will I lose what I already have on that version? How should I best proceed?
Hi Jeanette, congratulations for completing Camp NaNoWriMo!
Look at your winner goodies for a 50% off Scrivener coupon code.
Since you already downloaded a trial version, you don’t need to download it again.
Use your coupon code on the checkout page, after you select the license you need.
Then, you can use the acquired serial number on your trial download (either immediately, or once it expires).
I have Apple devices. I have Microsoft Office, and I write in MS Word for Mac. Will Scrivener edit docs saved in Word for Mac? Also, if I want to edit while writing on my lPad, do I have to buy a separate app for iOS, or do I get the iMac and iOS apps for one price?
Hi Dwight,
You can import MS Word files into Scrivener.
Scrivener for iOS requires purchasing a separate license, which costs roughly half the price of the Scrivener for Mac license.
You can then sync your writing between devices using cloud services such as Dropbox.
Hi, I’m writing a history book and have been advised to use Adobe InDesign for book layout for submission to Amazon for a print book. However, Adobe prices are horrendous – will Scrivener do the same job as InDesign ?
I have Scrivener 2 for Mac purchased in 2016. It won’t open now apparently due to MacBook going to 64 bit code while my version of Scrivener is 32 bit. If I order a new version using the 20% off coupon, will that be the Scriverer 3 for Mac, or will I need to upgrade later when its available? At what cost?
Hi Roger, all new purchases of Scrivener for Mac are purchases of V3, so yes, you will be buying the latest version.
You can use the current 20% discount, but as a previous version owner, you can get it at a bigger discount, for just $25.
Please read the info above in the article about the Scrivener 3 release, and you will find more info on how to upgrade with a special discount.
Good luck!
Is there a discount for purchasing the Mac and iOS version of Scrivener? I use my desktop occasionally and my iPad Pro mostly, but I like the added backup of being able to switch between devices. For example I have both the desktop and iPad version of photo editing software, Affinity.
Hi Jade, you will need two separate licenses but unfortunately, there is no bundle option on Scrivener for Mac + iOS.(Only Mac + Win)
You can get 20% off the Scrivener for Mac license and the iOS app is currently roughly half that price, $19.99 USD.
Hope this helps.
I primarily write on my PC (and in word so far) but my husband just got me a laptop to help with writing on the go. I am looking at scrivener as an alternative to purchasing a second license of word. Can I work easily between the two? I do have google drive fwiw. What about if I decide to switch exclusively to scrivener for both pc and laptop? Is there a way to sync my files or do I have to save through the cloud?
Hi Amanda, you can import/export from/to Word but it would be a hassle to do that every time you want to work on a different computer.
One Scrivener license is good for all your household computers (as long as they all use the same operating system, Windows in your case).
You will then sync your work on your devices using a cloud service, many use Dropbox for that.
Hi Angela, You can use Scrivener on more than one of your personally owned devices, as long as they have the same operating system. So, in case your computer breaks, you can install Scrivener on your new computer.
You have several options to back up your Scrivener files; on your computer, cloud or external drive. You can always download the Scrivener software again, so you don’t need to save it in multiple locations (unless you are using it on those locations/devices).
I’ve been using Scrivner 2.0 on my old MacBook Pro. Just bought MacBook Air. The old version won’t migrate. How/where do I upgrade and still have my work presently in Scrivener 2.0. Thanks.
Hi Evelyn,
You can download any 2.x version of Scrivener here and run it with your current serial number (runs up to macOS 10.13).
To upgrade your current license, follow this link and click ‘upgrade page’. You’ll be able to upgrade for a discounted price of $25.
You can use the V2 files on V3, here’s an upgrade guide to make the transition extra easy.
Good luck!
I need a stand alone processor that does not need an internet connection or cloud storage. It needs to work well with the latest version of Dragon Naturally Speaking. Does this one do that?….. or do you have a different recommendation? Thank You.
Hi Max, you will need an internet connection to register and activate Scrivener. Other than that, you don’t have to have cloud storage, files are saved locally. Dragon Naturally Speaking normally does work well with Scrivener but please test the latest versions of both to make sure it works on your device.
Does Scrivener 2.0 work with Windows8? Will Scrivener 3.0 work with Windows 8? Will I be able to download my manuscript from Word 2013 to Scrivener in one step?
Scrivener for Windows requires Windows 7 or above with .NET v4.6.2 or higher. Scrivener 3, when released, will have the same requirements.
And yes, you can import your work from MS Word into Scrivener.
I was reading in your literature somewhere a few days ago abut various features. One thing that caught my eye (mainly because I didn’t understand it) was that if a person bought Scrivener from a MAC dealer it could be put on the cloud, but if Scrivener was purchased from Scrivener, then perhaps it couldn’t be. What is the deal here? I will need to secure my work on the cloud, but what difference does it make as to where it was purchased? Please straighten me out.
Hi John,
You can buy Scrivener either from the developers’ site directly or from the Mac App Store.
Either way, Scrivener files are stored locally on your device and if you want, you can upload them to the cloud.
You will find the main differences between the two buying options here, although we will add to this that you can get a discount on your purchase only by buying directly from the developers, and also updates are easier and faster to be deployed in the developers purchase option, rather than from the Mac App Store.
How do I purchase Scrivener Prog for My Windows Desktop & my iPad Mini at a discount? What is the price for both and how do I order it? One additional Question Can I Also Install on my Windows Lesktop With the One Time Purchase?
You can use the same license on both your personal laptop and desktop as long as they have the same operating system (Windows). The price for this is $49 (one-off).
Scrivener for iOS will require purchasing a separate license for iOS ($19.99).
I hope this explains it.
Can different family members use Scrivener with same system eg Windows/iOS bundle at the Same time for differing, unrelated writing projects (book, University’s Research projects)?
Scrivener comes with a generous household license:
– You can install and run Scrivener on any machines you own and of which you are the predominant user.
– You can install and run Scrivener on any machines based predominantly in your house and used by family members living with you.
– This only applies to machines running the platform covered by your license (you cannot use a Mac serial number with the Windows version or vice versa, because the Mac and Windows versions are separate development efforts).
Full terms available here.
Please mind that Scrivener has a Windows&Mac licenses bundled, the iOS license needs to be purchased separately.
You would need a different license depending on whether your device runs on Windows, macOS, or iOS.
The Windows+Mac Scrivener bundle is to allow you to run Scrivener on different devices that run on different operating systems.
You can buy Scrivener licenses separately, at different timings, or as a discounted bundle, though you must use that option on your initial purchase.
I’m a secretive little spider and hide out in my own little private web. I don’t share my weavings with any other spiders, until I choose to — no matter how secure the web. Can I take Scrivener off the world wide web and use it totally off line.
By default, Scrivener stores your files on your device and not anywhere else. And other than having an internet connection when you activate/verify your license key, you can continue using Scrivener offline.
I want to purchase Scrivener for Windows 10 ONLY. I use both my desktop and laptop for work production. Is my work on either computer saved on the cloud in a way where I can switch from one computer to the other, picking up where I left off seamlessly? How much will Scrivener with course cost me? I plan on purchasing within the month.
You can save your work on a cloud service if you choose to sync with another device.
The Scrivener software and the course are created by separate teams and individuals, and there is no bundle discount for the two.
The latest pricing and discounts are constantly updated on this page.
I purchased Scrivener last year after NAMOWRIMO. This year I purchased a new laptop and lost my Scrivener. How can I move it to my new lap top? This is the download license: (**edited out) Windows. Thanks
Hi Gail, your Scrivener license should work on 2 computers simultaneously. If you still have issues, I recommend you to turn to Literature&Latte support here.
Scrivener discounts are not 50% anymore… now 20% off ($8 Windows/$9 MAC).
Is Scrivener still discounted? and does it work on windows 10?
Hi Caitlin, Scrivener works flawlessly on Windows 10.
As for the Scrivener discounts, the ones above are monitored regularly, and are currently active.
Enjoy Scrivener!
I would like to buy your writing program, but am limited in my understanding and
manipulation of technology. I would need a tutor to help me get started working on
my dissertation. Is that possible? Do you have recommendations?
Hi Alice,
Scrivener comes with an interactive tutorial project (available from the Help menu inside Scrivener).
This should help you learn Scrivener’s major features before you start your own projects.
The interactive tutorial is a great way to get to grips with how Scrivener works.
If that won’t do, we sent you a couple of recommended tutors and classes to your email.
Best of luck!
Looking at Scrivener for first time. I just completed a technical manuscript in MS Word (2007). My document has dozens of technical drawings done in MS Visio that illustrate various points in the document. I used the technique of inserting text boxes, anchoring them to related paragraphs.
Question: If I import this document into Scrivener, how will these graphics be handled? Will they import ok? Will they remain anchored to the related paragraphs?
Good question, Kip. I recommend turning to Scrivener support on this link to get a complete answer. Otherwise, I’d recommend giving Scrivener a try (there’s a 30 day free trial version) and see how that imports.
On November 24 I purchased Scrivener, with the NaNo discount for $32. My NoNoWriMo subscription has expired and I have no access to Scrivener. Can you send me something to download?
Hi Cheryl, a Scrivener license never expires, unless you had the trial version.
Please contact Scrivener’s support on this link.
1. We missed your Writer’s Month discount (and we could REALLY use it). My wife is an elementary Special Education teacher and wanted Scrivner for her (December) birthday. She is quickly nearing completion of a novel that currently numbers around 100,000 words. Is there any way we can get a refund of the difference?
2. I looked for your (?your sponsors?) fast-start GUIDE ebook. Please send link. Thank You!
Hello Bille, Scrivener offers occasional discounts, if you hurry there is a 25% discount right now with coupon code winterfest2016, but it won’t last much longer. If you have any other questions, you are welcome to contact us.
I use Dragon Speaks due to severe arthritis. Will there be a problem using it with Scivener? I have never used this program but have heard so many great praises for Scivener.
Hi Donna, Scrivener works great with Dragon Dictate (and some other dictation software as well). You can see a short sample video here.
Hi Kids.
Yes, I am one of those terrible people who make a pretty good living selling “books” written fro the Kindle. I have put together a system that allows me to generally FLY through the creation of “book” so for anything that could supercharge my workflow, I sit up and take notice. So I am writing you today.
I am generally regarded to be perhaps the only living relative of the great Ebenezer Scrooge, so I am always, perhaps even more often than that, interested in a bargain. As I see it, I can get the Windows 10 version Scrivener for $40 less a 25% coupon. Fair enuf. I also believe I will get a coupon for 33% off Scrivener Unleashed.
Is my understanding correct? Is that the best deal or are there bundles that exist that would be a better deal?
Hi Tim, your understanding is correct, that is the best deal right now. You can bundle the Mac and Win versions but the coupons will actually get you a better price buying separately.
I had lost scrivener when my last computer was stolen. is there a way for me to look up my order history and download it again on my new computer. I ordered it about two years ago, it was a digital download, and I don’t have the email anymore confirming an order number
Hi George, look in your email for a message titled “[Literature & Latte] Order Confirmation”. This email should have your Scrivener registration information and serial number. If you still can’t find it, visit this page for serial number retrieval. .
Ok, great introduction on the video, great and all, but is there any of those videos for those that have a PC? The software isn’t always the same. I’m reluctant on buying anything I don’t understand or not familiar with its functionality. Seeing one of these in the PC version would put my mind at ease and help me feel better about purchasing it. I currently use Word and its never failed me, but I think I’m outgrowing it since my books are 500 pages + now. Its really starting to slow down so I separated the chapters by folders so word doesn’t have to take on such a load.
Hi Tomas,
Have a look at the Scrivener for Windows demo here.
Good luck with your book!
I just qualified for a discount on Scrivener as a Camp NaNoWriMo winner. The instructions say to access it through the NaNo website and it will begin downloading immediately. I already have a trial version on my laptop. Will I lose what I already have on that version? How should I best proceed?
Hi Jeanette, congratulations for completing Camp NaNoWriMo!
Look at your winner goodies for a 50% off Scrivener coupon code.
Since you already downloaded a trial version, you don’t need to download it again.
Use your coupon code on the checkout page, after you select the license you need.
Then, you can use the acquired serial number on your trial download (either immediately, or once it expires).
I have Apple devices. I have Microsoft Office, and I write in MS Word for Mac. Will Scrivener edit docs saved in Word for Mac? Also, if I want to edit while writing on my lPad, do I have to buy a separate app for iOS, or do I get the iMac and iOS apps for one price?
Hi Dwight,
You can import MS Word files into Scrivener.
Scrivener for iOS requires purchasing a separate license, which costs roughly half the price of the Scrivener for Mac license.
You can then sync your writing between devices using cloud services such as Dropbox.
Can you work on two different computers and have it stay synced?
Yes, you can.
Hi, I’m writing a history book and have been advised to use Adobe InDesign for book layout for submission to Amazon for a print book. However, Adobe prices are horrendous – will Scrivener do the same job as InDesign ?
Hi Richard, InDesign may complement Scrivener on the design side but the two are not substitutes.
I have Scrivener 2 for Mac purchased in 2016. It won’t open now apparently due to MacBook going to 64 bit code while my version of Scrivener is 32 bit. If I order a new version using the 20% off coupon, will that be the Scriverer 3 for Mac, or will I need to upgrade later when its available? At what cost?
Hi Roger, all new purchases of Scrivener for Mac are purchases of V3, so yes, you will be buying the latest version.
You can use the current 20% discount, but as a previous version owner, you can get it at a bigger discount, for just $25.
Please read the info above in the article about the Scrivener 3 release, and you will find more info on how to upgrade with a special discount.
Good luck!
Is there a discount for purchasing the Mac and iOS version of Scrivener? I use my desktop occasionally and my iPad Pro mostly, but I like the added backup of being able to switch between devices. For example I have both the desktop and iPad version of photo editing software, Affinity.
Hi Jade, you will need two separate licenses but unfortunately, there is no bundle option on Scrivener for Mac + iOS.(Only Mac + Win)
You can get 20% off the Scrivener for Mac license and the iOS app is currently roughly half that price, $19.99 USD.
Hope this helps.
I primarily write on my PC (and in word so far) but my husband just got me a laptop to help with writing on the go. I am looking at scrivener as an alternative to purchasing a second license of word. Can I work easily between the two? I do have google drive fwiw. What about if I decide to switch exclusively to scrivener for both pc and laptop? Is there a way to sync my files or do I have to save through the cloud?
Hi Amanda, you can import/export from/to Word but it would be a hassle to do that every time you want to work on a different computer.
One Scrivener license is good for all your household computers (as long as they all use the same operating system, Windows in your case).
You will then sync your work on your devices using a cloud service, many use Dropbox for that.
Can I save Scrivner on a flash drive in case my computer break down. and can I install it in a new computer
Hi Angela, You can use Scrivener on more than one of your personally owned devices, as long as they have the same operating system. So, in case your computer breaks, you can install Scrivener on your new computer.
You have several options to back up your Scrivener files; on your computer, cloud or external drive. You can always download the Scrivener software again, so you don’t need to save it in multiple locations (unless you are using it on those locations/devices).
I’ve been using Scrivner 2.0 on my old MacBook Pro. Just bought MacBook Air. The old version won’t migrate. How/where do I upgrade and still have my work presently in Scrivener 2.0. Thanks.
Hi Evelyn,
You can download any 2.x version of Scrivener here and run it with your current serial number (runs up to macOS 10.13).
To upgrade your current license, follow this link and click ‘upgrade page’. You’ll be able to upgrade for a discounted price of $25.
You can use the V2 files on V3, here’s an upgrade guide to make the transition extra easy.
Good luck!
I have a copy of 3.1.2 and need to add iOS for my iPad. How do I do this?
Hi Richard,
You will need to buy a separate license for your iPad.
Scrivener for iOS is available only on the AppStore and sells for $19.99.
Good luck!
I need a stand alone processor that does not need an internet connection or cloud storage. It needs to work well with the latest version of Dragon Naturally Speaking. Does this one do that?….. or do you have a different recommendation? Thank You.
Hi Max, you will need an internet connection to register and activate Scrivener. Other than that, you don’t have to have cloud storage, files are saved locally.
Dragon Naturally Speaking normally does work well with Scrivener but please test the latest versions of both to make sure it works on your device.
Will there be a Sceivener version for android?
Scrivener for Android is in development and will be the main focus once Scrivener 3 for Windows is released. There is no exact release date, though.
Does Scrivener 2.0 work with Windows8? Will Scrivener 3.0 work with Windows 8? Will I be able to download my manuscript from Word 2013 to Scrivener in one step?
Scrivener for Windows requires Windows 7 or above with .NET v4.6.2 or higher. Scrivener 3, when released, will have the same requirements.
And yes, you can import your work from MS Word into Scrivener.
In writing my book on an iMac, what is the process for integrating graphics within the text?
There are several ways to add images to text in Scrivener, here is one.
Can I apply the Nano Wrimo’s promo code on the iOS version?
The iOS version is sold only on the App Store, and discount codes do not apply there.
Can I use Scrivener when I am not connected to the internet?
Hi Andrew, you can use Scrivener offline, but you will need an internet connection to activate/verify your license.
I was reading in your literature somewhere a few days ago abut various features. One thing that caught my eye (mainly because I didn’t understand it) was that if a person bought Scrivener from a MAC dealer it could be put on the cloud, but if Scrivener was purchased from Scrivener, then perhaps it couldn’t be. What is the deal here? I will need to secure my work on the cloud, but what difference does it make as to where it was purchased? Please straighten me out.
Hi John,
You can buy Scrivener either from the developers’ site directly or from the Mac App Store.
Either way, Scrivener files are stored locally on your device and if you want, you can upload them to the cloud.
You will find the main differences between the two buying options here, although we will add to this that you can get a discount on your purchase only by buying directly from the developers, and also updates are easier and faster to be deployed in the developers purchase option, rather than from the Mac App Store.
How do I purchase Scrivener Prog for My Windows Desktop & my iPad Mini at a discount? What is the price for both and how do I order it? One additional Question Can I Also Install on my Windows Lesktop With the One Time Purchase?
You can use the same license on both your personal laptop and desktop as long as they have the same operating system (Windows). The price for this is $49 (one-off).
Scrivener for iOS will require purchasing a separate license for iOS ($19.99).
I hope this explains it.
Can different family members use Scrivener with same system eg Windows/iOS bundle at the Same time for differing, unrelated writing projects (book, University’s Research projects)?
Scrivener comes with a generous household license:
– You can install and run Scrivener on any machines you own and of which you are the predominant user.
– You can install and run Scrivener on any machines based predominantly in your house and used by family members living with you.
– This only applies to machines running the platform covered by your license (you cannot use a Mac serial number with the Windows version or vice versa, because the Mac and Windows versions are separate development efforts).
Full terms available here.
Please mind that Scrivener has a Windows&Mac licenses bundled, the iOS license needs to be purchased separately.
how long is the license for?
You are getting the current Scrivener license forever. There are no recurring monthly/annual fees.
Will Scrivener work on Windows 7 or XP?
The latest Scrivener version no longer supports Windows XP.
It does support Windows 7 SP1+ with .NET Framework 4.6.2+.
Sincerest thanks for posting the discount code. It helped me make the decision to go with Scrivener f/WIN!
What are the differences between the licenses and the bundle? what are they useful for?
You would need a different license depending on whether your device runs on Windows, macOS, or iOS.
The Windows+Mac Scrivener bundle is to allow you to run Scrivener on different devices that run on different operating systems.
You can buy Scrivener licenses separately, at different timings, or as a discounted bundle, though you must use that option on your initial purchase.
I’m a secretive little spider and hide out in my own little private web. I don’t share my weavings with any other spiders, until I choose to — no matter how secure the web. Can I take Scrivener off the world wide web and use it totally off line.
By default, Scrivener stores your files on your device and not anywhere else. And other than having an internet connection when you activate/verify your license key, you can continue using Scrivener offline.
I want to purchase Scrivener for Windows 10 ONLY. I use both my desktop and laptop for work production. Is my work on either computer saved on the cloud in a way where I can switch from one computer to the other, picking up where I left off seamlessly? How much will Scrivener with course cost me? I plan on purchasing within the month.
You can save your work on a cloud service if you choose to sync with another device.
The Scrivener software and the course are created by separate teams and individuals, and there is no bundle discount for the two.
The latest pricing and discounts are constantly updated on this page.
Will scrivener work on Windows 7 system?
At this time, Windows 8+ is required to use Scrivener for Windows.
Scrivener sounds Great and will it work well with Window 11 ?
Scrivener supports Windows 8 and above, including Windows 11!
I write on three different computers using Word and storing on the Cloud for when I change locations and thus computers. Can Scrivener support this?
Generally speaking, yes, Scrivener supports this.
You can find more info on syncing here.