Marketing Boost Review and Discount in 2024



Advertising Boost Review

Marketing Boost (previously known as Advertising Boost) is a service that allows you to give away free vacations and other high-value rewards to your customers and leads. This is an innovative concept that lets you incentivize any offer by providing something of real value. You can use this system to build your list of prospects and create stronger relationships with existing customers. In this Marketing Boost review, we’ll look at the leading features of Marketing Boost to help you decide if it might be an effective business-building tool for you. Any current Marketing Boost discounts or promotions will also be mentioned in the pricing section of this review.

Latest Update – In response to the COVID-19 effect on the travel industry, many of our readers reached out and asked us if we think the Marketing Boost service is still relevant if no one seems to be traveling any time soon. The answer is fairly simple. Yes, it is relevant, perhaps more than ever. With so many businesses worldwide seeing their revenue hit, looking for creative ways to bring new leads and customers, or just increasing the total purchase of their existing customers, Marketing Boost clients can now offer their own customers unprecedented travel gifts/incentives that have 24 (!!) months validity after the activation date. Moreover, we keep seeing new businesses using Marketing Boost’s service in their online promotion and ad campaigns.

Marketing Boost Vacations discount Incentive

On top of that, the Marketing Boost team is not indifferent to the difficult times, and they provided an extra added value to their customers. While Marketing Boost plans were only available on a yearly basis, they have introduced monthly plans and discounted them by more than 80%. This pricing is temporary, and it is advised to lock your pricing now as you (and your customers) can use vacation vouchers for 24 months after their issuing.



Offer Your Customers Free Vacations

Marketing Boost is a marketing platform that’s different from the vast majority of existing systems. Rather than giving you yet another way to blast your message to an audience, it provides tangible benefits you can offer your leads and customers.

Everyone loves to travel. The main reason people don’t take more vacations is that they can’t afford to. Marketing Boost lets you give away vacation incentives, either in digital form or as certificates that can be printed out. Marketing Boost has an in-house travel agency that arranges the vacation. Certificates can be easily redeemed online or by calling a toll-free number. There are hundreds of vacation destinations, including:

● Las Vegas
● Orlando
● Daytona Beach
● Myrtle Beach
● Cancun
● Phuket, Thailand
● Bali

There are many other destinations, as well as new ones being added all the time. See here a sample of the actual resorts your clients will be staying in (at the time of writing) and fees, if any, associated with their stay. It’s important to mention that these are NOT time-share type of hotels and there are no obligations or presentations to attend.

Restaurant and Entertainment Vouchers

In addition to vacations, you can offer your clients and leads vouchers that let them enjoy restaurants and entertainment. You can provide vouchers to more than 10,000 restaurants in the United States and Canada. This is a perfect way to build goodwill with prospects.

Enjoy Benefits Yourself

In addition to offering free vacations and other incentives, you can enjoy benefits as a member yourself. You can book hotels through an exclusive travel site, BookVIP Plus, which gives you discounts of up to 80% on over 400,000 hotels around the world. This lets you and your family enjoy discounted travel wherever you go.

Trust and Credibility

When offering incentives such as free vacations, it’s crucial to provide credible offers. Many people are understandably suspicious of such offers as there are many scams and spam messages that promise free vacations.

Marketing Boost has legitimate offers that are arranged with an in-house travel agency. They can offer these freebies because hotels and resorts often have unused space that would otherwise go unoccupied. They would rather have guests stay for free than leave rooms empty. For hotels with restaurants, casinos, gift shops, and other revenue-generating enterprises, even non-paying guests help them turn a profit. Furthermore, if guests have a good experience, they are likely to book at standard rates in the future.

Marketing Boost has provided travel arrangements for over a million clients with over 20,000 video testimonials. Unlike many questionable offers out there, these travel packages don’t have anything to do with timeshares, and customers aren’t required to attend any sales presentations. There are no hidden fees or strings attached, just free trips. Customers are offered upgrades, but these are entirely optional and are also heavily discounted.

Take Your Marketing to a Whole New Level

One of your biggest challenges as a business owner is to provide your customers and leads with real value in a way that lets you stand apart. Nothing does this better than giving away something that people actually want. Customers are getting jaded with all of the offers out there. You might offer leads a free e-book as a lead magnet, but this isn’t likely to get anyone excited.

A free vacation or restaurant voucher, however, is something almost everyone wants. Even better, vouchers, whether online or printed out, are fully brandable so your customers recognize you as the one giving them the gift. There are many ways you can benefit from giving away these deals.

● Generate powerful word-of-mouth publicity as your customers tell everyone about their free vacations.
● Improve conversions on paid ads.
● Get more testimonials and positive reviews.
● Increase customer loyalty and attract repeat business.

Marketing Boost can help make all of your offers more compelling and give prospects a good reason to choose you over the competition. It can help you generate both immediate and long-term revenue.

Marketing Tools

Marketing Boost also provides you with powerful resources to help you promote your business. You get access to professional high-converting landing pages and video ads that beautifully illustrate the benefits of a free vacation. You can customize these marketing tools to your own needs so they help you build your brand.

You can use more than 500 video ads on your website and social media pages to entice your followers to take advantage of your offers. Marketing Boost integrates with many popular marketing tools such as Clickfunnels, Zapier, Builderall, and others so that you can easily use it with your existing marketing funnels.

Ways to Use Marketing Boost

Because Marketing Boost is based on offering people highly desirable incentives, there are almost unlimited ways it can be used to promote any offer. Businesses in many industries have used this strategy to get more leads and develop stronger relationships with their customers. Some of the industries that use Marketing Boost include:

● Real Estate
● Medical Professionals
● Online Marketing
● Medical Professionals
● Home Improvement and Repairs
● Insurance
● Pets
● Home Security
● Entertainment and Event Planning
● Fitness
● Spas and Salons
● Nonprofits and Charities

These are just a few examples, and you can incentivize offers for any niche or industry. Vacation, restaurant, and entertainment incentives can be offered as bonuses or given away as gifts to show your appreciation to valued customers.

You can use Marketing Boost to promote online and service-based businesses as well as brick-and-mortar businesses. If you sell information products, services such as SEO, web design, or coaching, you can incentivize your products and packages. For example, if you offer several levels of coaching or training, you could offer a vacation package as an incentive to upgrade.

Vouchers can also be used by network and multilevel marketers who want to reward high performers in their organizations. Affiliate marketers can similarly make use of these incentives. Even if you’re promoting someone else’s products, you can offer prospects vacation and entertainment vouchers to spice up your offers. This is particularly useful if you’re an affiliate for high-ticket items such as high-end memberships or information products.

Training Resources

Marketing Boost gives you powerful incentives that can help you attract more leads and customers. They also provide helpful promotional tools such as landing pages and videos. As with any type of marketing, however, you still need an effective strategy to make the most of these offers. When you join Marketing Boost, you also get access to some helpful training.

When you join Marketing Boost, you have access to a Facebook group with over 32,000 active Marketing Boost members who share tips and information.

You also get a course, Ultimate Facebook Secrets, that reveals the blueprint Marketing Boost used to attract over 3 million fans and generate $200 million in sales for their travel agency BookVIP. You can use these techniques to learn how to place high-converting Facebook ads that will make your offers even more effective.

Marketing Boost: Plans and Cost

Marketing Boost offers three plans.

Silver Plan. $797 a year or three payments of $277. The monthly plan is $97/m. This plan offers ten vacation incentives and ten restaurant incentives to give away each month. You will also be getting marketing assistance materials and an invite to the Marketing Boost Facebook Community. Plan temporarily paused.

Gold Plan. Billed annually at $1597/year or three payments of $537. The monthly plan is $197/m. In addition to the Silver Plan features, you get a free international vacation for yourself, unlimited vacation and restaurant incentives to give away, free customization, priority support, free tickets to Marketing Summit, sales funnels, and the Ultimate Facebook Secrets, an advanced course that will help you get better results from Facebook ads. Discount Update – 2024 Temporary pricing is $37/m or $347/year.

Platinum Plan. Ideal for agencies as this allows using Marketing Boost on multiple businesses. Billed annually at $2497/year or three payments of $837. The monthly cost is $297/m. Discount Update – 2024 Temporary pricing is $97/m or $927/year.

Marketing Boost Discount

2024 Special Marketing Boost Discount Offer: You can currently get an additional discounted offer on the annual plans on this page only. If this discount has expired, reach out to us for an updated discount offer.

Conditions and Limitations

Membership in Marketing Boost lets you offer unlimited vacations and other vouchers, based on availability. There are certain limitations regarding geography and nationality. For example, incentives for North American (U.S. and Mexico) vacations can only be used by U.S. citizens, and Thailand vacations can only be used by citizens of non-Asian countries.

There’s also a time factor. Recipients have only seven days to redeem vouchers but 24 months to choose the travel dates. The hospitality industry is quite dynamic, and businesses such as hotels and resorts will try to sell unused rooms, so they don’t want to give people an unlimited window to claim free rooms.

Marketing Boost Review Summary; Value and Recommendation

Marketing Boost is a powerful tool that can help you promote any type of business. It isn’t designed as an alternative to other types of marketing but as an enhancement to your existing strategies.

No matter what kind of promotional techniques you’re currently using, such as blogging, social media, email marketing, paid ads, videos, or anything else, you can introduce Marketing Boost offers to get more leads and sales.

Marketing Boost is a good investment for anyone who wants to be able to offer their followers, prospects, and customers high-value incentives. If you want to learn more about it before committing, you can join the dedicated Facebook group for members.

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