Catalyst Theme Coupon Promo Code Discount 20%OFF


Catalyst Theme coupon promo code discount

In search of a Catalyst theme or Cobalt Apps coupon, discount or a promo code? Congrats, your search is over. is the only place that you will find a genuine Catalyst theme coupon.

First of all, we have some good news and some bad news, what do you prefer to hear first? Let’s start with the bad; you can jump straight to the good news if you like. The bad news is that Catalyst does not offer any coupons. So that means that all the sites that promise you a discount if you only press their discount link, simply put, mislead you.

The good news – we offer you our offer for a Catalyst coupon discount or promo code, call it whatever you like. If you purchase this great theme following our instructions below, we will award you with 20% of your purchase as a PayPal refund to your PayPal account.

So how does it work?

You can read our cash rebate instructions here, it’s quite simple.

First, you need to clean your cookies. This step is a must for us to be awarded with this purchase.

Next, Press our link via the banner below and make a purchase of any Cobalt Apps product.

Catalyst Theme Coupon Promo Code Discount

Third, forward us your PayPal payment approval to our email with ‘Catalyst rebate’ at the topic, and we will award you with a 20% cash back to your PayPal account within 48 hours. Mind that if you don’t make a purchase with PayPal, it’s alright, however we will still require an email with a PayPal account, as we only rebate via PayPal.

Mind that though this Catalyst theme coupon is only offered by us to our valuable customers, you still receive full support from Catalyst theme staff.

And last but not least – Go ahead and start using this great theme. However, if for some reason you choose to return it and get a refund, please return our rebate to us as well.

WordPress Themes Promo Codes

1 Comment To Catalyst Theme Coupon Promo Code Discount 20%OFF

  1. I enjoyed the benefit of 20% rebate on purchase of catalyst theme. Thank you for your immediate response & rebate. I am happy with both, your service & savings on great theme framework. Thank you.


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